Global Scientific Laboratotories (Pvt) Ltd offer a range of microbiology tests to cater to the growing needs of the industrial and domestic sector of Sri Lanka.

Water Microbiology Testing

Water testing is an important means of preventing waterborne disease. Various water quality tests are available to detect the number and types of microorganisms in water and assist industries and communities in keeping the microbial content of water supplies at a low level. 

The following tests are available at Global Scientific for the analysis of various water such as

  • Drinking water 
  •  Bottled drinking water
  •  Mineral water
  •  Potable water
  •  Swimming pool water 
  •  Cooling tower water
  •  Waste  water
  •  Well water
  •  River water

Parameters of Water Microbiology Testing

  •  Total plate count 
  •  Total Coliforms count 
  •  Feacal Coliforms 
  •  Escherichia coli 
  •  Feacal Streptococci
  •  Staphylococcus aureus
  •  Salmonella
  •  Legionella
  •  Clostridium Spp

Food Microbiology Testing

Global Scientific is prepared to work with you to avert potential food safety issues, providing a number of services  that can proactively identify issues and enhance customer satisfaction. Our food microbiology testing services include

Microbiological quality of  Cooked food or processed food such as 

  • Rice dishes, 
  • Curry dishes, 
  • Desserts, 
  • Short eats etc.

Raw food such as

  • Raw meat,
  •  Fish 
  • Poultry
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit drinks
  • Canned food 
  • Agricultural products 
  • Consumables 
  • Cosmetics 
  • Drugs 
  • Food contact surfaces and many more 

  Parameter of food Microbiology Testing

  • Total plate count 
  • Total Coliforms count 
  • Escherichia coli 
  • Feacal Streptococci
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Salmonella 
  • Yeast and Mould
  • Enterobactericeae
  • Candida Albicans
  • Pseudomonas

Instruction for sample Collection & Transport

01. General

Sample for microbiological analysis must only be collected in sterile bottle or bag. Collect sample that are representative of the water/food being tested, and use aseptic techniques to avoid sample contamination. When water sample is collected, leave sample air space in the bottle(at least 2.5 cm) and  identification number shall be marked on each container.

02. Order of taking sample

When a number of sample for various purposes are being collected from same sampling point, the sample for microbiological examination should be collected first

03. Size of  the sample

The volume of a sample shall be at least 200ml for water & beverages, 500g for food  items.

Water Sample Collection

04. Opening & Filling The bottle

The bottle shall be kept unopened until moment it is required for filling. During sampling, the bottle shall be held by the base in one hand while the other hand  stopper and cover are removed together. The bottle shall be filled, without rinsing, and the stopper shall be placed immediately with the cover.

05. Transport & Storage of sample

Examination of bacteriological Quality shall preferably be start within 1 hour of collection of sample in any case the interval between collection of the sample and beginning of the examination shall not exceed 24 hours.

If the time interval between collection and examination is to exceed 1 hour the sample shall be transported to laboratory in iced cooler. Ideally sample should be held at 4±2°C & shall not to be frozen.

Food Sample Collection

04. Finished products

Consumer package of food should be sampled from originally unopened  container.

05. Bulk liquid material

Aseptically transfer a representative sample portion to a sterile Container.

06. Bulk solid of semisolid

Aliquot from several areas of the food under examination should be taken to ensure a representative sample. Sterile spatula or spoon should be used.

07. Frozen Bulk Materials

Obtain a sample from a few areas of the food with a sterile sharp sampling instrument.

08. Transport & Storage

Sample should be delivered to the laboratory as rapidly as possible. Refrigerated products must be transported & stored in Refrigerated condition 0-4 °C and the frozen product shall be transported and stored in frozen state.