Water Chemical Testing

Although the great majority of quality problems with water are related to fecal contamination, a significant number of serious problems may occur as a result of chemical contamination from a variety of natural and man-made sources. To establish whether such problems exist, chemical analyses must be undertaken. Industrial water may cause problems in machinery, heat exchange problems, corrosions, etc. Such water should meet the industry-based standards.

Global Scientific offers water chemical testing services for,

  • Drinking Water,
  • Potable Water,
  • Swimming Pool Water,
  • Boiler Water,
  • Cooling Tower
  • Surface Water
  • Bottled Water
  • City Water
  • Tube Well
  • Chiller Water & etc


  • pH
  • Temperature
  • Color
  • Chloride
  • Electrical Conductivity
  • Total Hardness
  • Calcium Hardness
  • Alkalinity
  • Total Solid
  • Total Iron
  • Free Residual Chlorine
  • Albuminoid Ammonia
  • Total Phospates
  • Fluoride
  • Nitrate
  • Nitrite
  • Sulphate
  • Turbidity

Instruction of Sample Collection & Transport

Sample containers

The samples shall be collected in clear glass Winchester quart bottles with glass stoppers or plastic containers with plastic lid.

Sampling instrument

If sampling instrument are used, they shall be cleaned and dried before use.

Drawing of sample

The bottles shall be well rinsed with the water to be sample before being filled. As far as possible the bottle shall be filled direct from the source (Without the aid of a jug or funnel). Care should be taken to prevent any external contamination during the process of sampling.

Time of test

If the test is not to be carried out at once at the place of sampling, the sample shall be transported to the laboratory without delay and kept cool in transit.

Size of the sample

The volume of the sample shall be at least 2.5 liter for basic chemical and physical analysis and 5 liter for complete analysis

Wastewater Testing

Central Environmental Authority has recognized us as a competent laboratory in performing waste water analysis. Also we are a successful participant of the proficiency testing programs of waste water analysis conducted by CEA and Sri Lanka Association of Testing Laboratories.


  • Hotel
  • Housing Schemes
  • Manufacturing
  • Textiles Process
  • Rubber
  • Metal Finishing
  • Food Processing
  • Service Station

Instruction of Sample Collection & Transport

Sample containers

Use sample containers that is clean and free of contaminants. The sample shall be collected into special containers for certain analysis (e.g. Dissolved oxygen-glass bottles with 300-mL capacity having a ground-glass stopper and a flared mouth, oil & Grease-glass bottles with glass stoppers)

Sampling instrument

If sampling instruments are used, they shall be cleaned and dried before use.

Time of test

Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. Physical parameters (e.g. temperature, Electrical conductivity, pH, etc) of the sample should be analysed at the point of sampling.

Sample should be kept in cool at 4 during the transportation and should be frozen in amounts needed for certain tests if the total analysis is spread over a period of time. Acidification (pH <2) of samples should be done with (e.g.,1 to 2 mL of H2SO4) to preserves most trace metals and reduces precipitation, microbial activity and sorption losses to container walls.

In sampling sludges, take every possible precaution to obtain a representative sample. When anaiysis cannot be made within 2 h sample should be refrigerated.

Size of the sample

Collect a 1-L sample for most physical and chemical analyses. for certain determinations, larger samples may be necessary. Always collect enough sample volume in the appropriate container in order to comply with sample handling, storage and preservation requirements.

Collection of samples and point of sampling

The sample should be representative of the waste water condition at the time of sample collection. Care should be taken to prevent any external contamination during the process of sampling. When sample is taken for certain analysis (e.g. dissolve oxygen) do not let sample remain in contact with air or be agitated.

When samples are collected from a river or stream, samples shall be collected where water flow is adequately mixed and the sample at a depth between 40% and 60% of the total depth where the turbulence is maximized. Avoid the water surface or the channel bottom.

If the sample is taken from an effluent tap, allow the tap to run for one to two minutes to allow the settled solids to flush from the line. Reduce the flow before collecting samples.


  • pH
  • Temperature
  • Color
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Oil and grease
  • Chloride
  • Total Residual Chloride
  • Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)
  • Electrical Conductivity
  • Ammoical nitrogen (as N)
  • Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen (as N)
  • Sulfide
  • Phenolic Compounds
  • Dissolved Phosphate (as P)
  • Cyenide
  • Fluride
  • Free Ammonia
  • Sulphate
  •  Heavy metal [Boron(B), Arsenic( As), Cadmium(Cd), Total Chromium(Cr), Lead(Pd), Mercury(Hg), Copper(Cu), Nickel(Ni), Selenium(as Se), Zinc(as Zn), Antimony(At), Beryllium(as Be), Sodium(as Na), Total Iron(as Fe)]testing for wastewater.